Get ready for EMTT #2: EMTT vs. PEMF
Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT) differs from other general forms of magnetic field therapy or PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field therapy) in its higher oscillation frequency (100 – 300 kHz) and magnetic field strength (> 10 mT), resulting in a strong »effective transduction power«. It can be assumed that the faster the magnetic field pulses or the higher the effective transduction power, the more pronounced the bioelectrical activity in the organism will be. The high oscillation frequency also enables a high penetration depth (up to 18 cm) and a large range of applications.
In comparison to EMTT, the characteristic features of PEMF therapy are low frequencies (1 to 10 kHz), low magnetic flux densities and superficial penetration depths.
- In the coming days and weeks, we will introduce EMTT with the MAGNETOLITH® in more detail. If you want to find out more now, please visit our website: